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Quote from Captivated

"I stood close to the edge looking down at what I thought was my death. Then, I somehow ignored the water and only saw him. He looked like a dark angel on a cloud of mist holding his arms out to me. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Then I jumped." Mindy - Captivated, An Affliction Novel

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


In this giveaway, we have...

  • True Blood (Season One)
  • Supernatural (Season One)
  • Vampire Diaries (Season One)
  • Being Human (Season One)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season One)
  • Underworld (Part One)
  • And..A Buffy and Angel Tote Bag!!!!
I am adding a couple more surprise items in the days to come, but this is a good start! Am I right?! :)

There is going to be one lucky winner for this vamperific gift basket. All these are new and sealed, by the way. There will be a drawing of names and I will draw out a winner!

Now, to enter...

  • Please leave a review for Captivated or Unattainable on Amazon. You will get one entry for each book you leave a review for!
  • Same goes with Goodreads for Captivated or Unattainable
  • For every 5 new people you bring to Captivated's Facebook Page, your name will have one entry. So, if you bring 15, that's 3 entries closer to this awesome prize!!! Make sure they stop by and say your name! 

This giveaway will end on January 20th. Great luck to everyone!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A much needed update...

Hi everyone!!!
First off, I need to apologize to all of you for not responding to my blog posts sooner. To tell you the truth, I don't really check my blog, but I will from now on. It surprised me to see all those posts! I didn't think I had so many fans! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my books and especially for letting me know that you loved them!
Now, the question on everyone's mind is, when is book 3 coming out. :D Unfortunately, I'm a slowwwww writer and I can't have it out to you all soon. I'm thinking it will be ready in the summer of 2013? Sorry for the long wait! :/
For updates on what I'm up to, please visit Captivated's facebook page.
I am also going to start keeping up with my blog. I have a vamperific giveaway coming really soon and I found a model for my third book cover! So, I will be posting info on that too!
Thank you so much for your patience and again, I am so sorry for not responding sooner! I promise that I will be on top of it, it just might take me a bit because there are so many emails I also have to catch up with. I love you all!!!! *MUAH*